Saturday, May 10, 2014

When You Don't Feel Content

I have a confession to make (and this one isn't really funny): I am really struggling with being content. I know. I have a beautiful home, a happy marriage, an incredibly adorable son, the best job on the planet, and really anything I could ever want. Why is it hard for me to just rest with what I have? We are currently trying for another baby, and after my miscarriage (read about that here) I have really started losing sight of what makes my life so beautiful. I hate that I'm even saying that. It feels so... insignificant. So minor. So selfish. But it's so real in my life right now.

We learn a few things from this verse that I have found apply directly to the issue of contentment.

1) God is able to give us anything ("...the God we serve is able to deliver us..."). A spouse, a child, a restored relationship, a raise, anything. God is able to give us anything. We have to believe that He is powerful enough to do whatever He wants.

2) God does not always come through in the ways we wish He would ("...even if he does not..."). This is clear because we struggle with wanting things we don't have. Because God is a good God (see Psalm 136:1, Psalm 100:5, 1 Timothy 4:4, & Psalm 145:9 to begin if you don't believe me) I have to infer that if I don't currently have something I want, it's because God thinks it is best that I don't have it. (I know, that's not really easy to hear.)

3) We should worship Him anyways ("...we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up..."). I know that it's hard to long for something that keeps slipping from your grip. I'm not denying that it's hard. It's hard. But that doesn't mean that we give in to the "poor me, I've got it rough" attitude and let it steal our joy. If you're a Christian, you know that true joy comes from worshiping God. Even if you're in a season of longing, that is where you will find your joy. No matter what. Even if we never get what we want.

There are a few ways I have found that help me fight back against the temptation to be discontent:

1) Avoid comparison. If you crave a child, don't spend time looking at Facebook pictures of your pregnant high school friends. If you long to be married, stop looking at wedding dresses on Pinterest. If you wish you had more money, stop online "window" shopping. Don't let your mind, your eyes, your heart or the Internet lead you to compare what you have with others.

2) It's a battle of the mind. It's not really that my life is so bad. It's that I THINK and therefore BELIEVE that my life is not enough. We have to control our thoughts. Cut out and refuse to dwell on the destructive thoughts the moment they pop up in your head. It's half the battle, I promise.

3) Find the answer to the question: What makes my life beautiful? Some have to look harder than others, but if Malala Yousafzai or our Compassion child Masereka can find the beauty in their lives, so can I. Your life is blessed, I promise you. There is always someone who would give anything to have what you have. We need to open our eyes to see the blessings and choose to focus on and be thankful for what we have now.

There is no step by step, "How to Be Content" instruction manual because it's an ongoing process, but I hope walking through this verse can help us become more like the apostle Paul, who has "learned to be content whatever the circumstances." 

How can we pray for each other today?