Monday, September 3, 2012

30 Reasons I Love My Husband on His 30th Birthday

Today is my husband's 30th birthday! I don't do a good job of regularly telling him why I love him so much, so today I wanted to put it out there for the world to know. I have the best husband ever! Happy Birthday!!

1) My husband makes me laugh at least 5 times a day. He’s got this sense of humor that is goofy, natural, & spontaneous. He’s funny without trying too hard- it’s just natural. I love it!
2) He is a very talented writer with so many creative ideas. He has all these book concepts swimming around in his brain & has such a creative imagination. Someday he’s going to be a published author! Can’t wait to see my husband’s name on the cover of a book!

3) He’s very artistic- he’s done some great paintings, drawings & sketches. He has these little bubble aliens that might be my favorite of his sketches. He has painted this beautiful canvas that’s hanging above our mantle. He’s very talented!

4) He likes to drive! When we go to TX, he will drive the entire way!

5) He makes wise decisions about purchases- he researches the best brands, reviews, prices & best place to buy before making a purchase. I appreciate that because it saves us a lot of money!

6) He loves sports- and his two favorite are my two favorite- perfect! I grew up loving sports & I just don’t think I could marry a man who wasn’t as into sports as I am. He struggled through this Rockies baseball season with me & he’s become a diehard Broncos football fan. What more could a Colorado girl ask for? 

7) He makes random thoughts & statements into songs. Sometimes he’ll sing a little jingle & I give him a hard time about it being strange, but then he tells me it is an actual song. It’s always a guessing game when he’s singing…

8) He rides a motorcycle… with a helmet! Now that is sexy.

 9) He taught me how to make the best cinnamon toast! You spread butter on the bread then sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar, & broil it on low until the sugar is hardened. The bread is soft in the middle & toasted on the outside. Delicious!

10) For most special occasions, he will make a card for me on the computer- personalized with a picture of us & more meaningful than the $1 cards at Target!

11) He’s been to all the Twilight movies with me! Sorry to embarrass you honey, but that’s the sign of a great husband- sometimes, just do what your wife wants to do!

12) He tells me I’m precious to him. Melt!
13) He’s got an answer to any question you may have. If he doesn’t know, he will look it up & find the answer on the spot!

14) He has been really flexible with the choices we’ve made for the baby- he’s basically allowed me to do whatever I want, regarding using a birth center, doula, cloth diapers, etc. It means a lot he would respect my decisions as a mom & support them, even if it’s out of his comfort zone!

15) I am sooooo attracted to him. He is the most handsome man I know. I love his nose & his ears & his height & his legs & his little tushy…. Ok sorry, but ow ow! He’s all mine ladies!!

16) He can solve any computer/internet/technical problem I might ever have.

17) He makes up these voices or accents for different people or things that crack me up. Grizzly has his own voice, & Michael does it better than I do. I’m sure the baby will have his own voice; we’ve been working on that. He can also do great imitations. Often I’m laughing so hard I can’t even try to join in.  

18) We go to church together. We have the same core values. I don’t tell him that I love him for that, because it’s something seemingly small that I think I tend to overlook. It means so much that we can share & talk & discuss the things we believe about life & we’re generally on the same page.

19) He doesn’t yell. Ever. He’s very calm & level-headed.
Even when I do this...
 20) He works miracles in Microsoft Excel. Seriously. You want this box to be divided into this box, but only when this box equals ½ the amount of this other box but only when it’s in the first 6 months of the year? Ya, he can do that. 

21) He puts up with my pink obsession. Maybe I should wait & see if we ever have a girl if he still is willing to put up with it, but for now he does, & I love him for it. 

22) He eats whatever I make for him. He won’t ever say he doesn’t like something. He might put it like this: “It’s not my favorite.” But he eats it anyways. 

23) He went to a Rascal Flatts concert with me- even though he calls them a country boy band & doesn’t like country music at all.

24) He has this penguin… He bought a plastic penguin statue from a music store when he was in college, & it’s traveled with us ever since. He won’t let me get rid of it. He’s quirky like that.

25) We do active things together- we enjoy playing tennis, hiking, rafting, biking, & even just walking the dog. We do a lot of outdoor activities together.
26) He’s a manly man- he built a shed, he kills spiders, lifts weights, mows lawns, takes out trash, opens jars for me, carries heavy things, fixes broken things, & more. It’s dreamy!

27) We can be nerds around each other. I crochet during movies, he shows me his progress in Minecraft, & I just feel comfortable to not care what anyone thinks! Heck, we’ll even dress up like cows to get a free Chick-fil-A meal! 

28) He’s going to be such a wonderful father to baby Nemo. I could give you 30 reasons why I know that, but I just know he’s going to be involved, fun, & a great role model to our little boy.
Can't you just see it?? =)

29) He does his job in a way no one else can. It would take a century to train someone new to do the things he does! He pulls reports, looks at data, & keeps track of figures & clients in a very systematic, logical way that isn’t really taught. He’s a genius!

30) There’s just something about him. Physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually I am attracted to him & admire him. I don’t believe in soul mates, but I’m so confident I’ve found the man I’m going to happily spend the rest of my life with, & just the thought makes me happy. Happy Birthday, my love. I’m so glad to have spent 7 years with you so far, & I look forward to many more, God willing. I love you more than anyone else on this earth.

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