This verse has been sinking deep into my heart for the past few months. Waiting is something I am not good at. How about you? Are you good at waiting? Or have you had any thoughts similar to:
"I can't wait to get a new (house, job, car, etc.)."
"I can't wait to get married/have a baby/have another baby."
"I can't wait to get out of debt/make more money/be financially free."
The truth is, waiting is hard. Yet, so often God asks us to wait. Wait for this season of life to change. Wait for His blessings. Wait for our desires to be fulfilled. Wait for better times to come. So much waiting.
If you're anything like me, you want to take control of the 'whens' in life. I am so very guilty of planning too much, of trying to orchestrate details to make sure I get what I want when I want it. Because if I'm honest I often think like a child: "But I want it now!"
We have to let go. We have to become better at enjoying the blessings of today. Of seeing the gifts in the right now and having them be enough. Being content can take so much from us. This verse emphasizes, "my whole being waits." It takes a lot of focus, energy, strength, and reminding ourselves to wait.
If you don't have something you want, it's best that you don't. Regardless of how much you want it. I know it's hard. I know it's hard.
We have to let God to put the right things in our lives at the right time.
The author here ends this verse by saying, "and in his word I put my hope." Any hope in trying harder, or being better, or willing our circumstances to change, or even pouting or complaining won't work. Our ability to wait will be strengthened by staying close to the Lord through prayer and reading of His Word & other helpful books. We can pray for each other. We can keep a daily record of blessings to turn our eyes towards the beauty that's in our lives now. Our hearts need to trust & see God's good work in us, and often His sweet voice says, 'Just wait.'
I encourage you to read Psalm 130 (it's short) & share what you are waiting for & how I can pray for you!