Saturday, August 17, 2013

Confessions of a First Time Mom: Month 10

So, I’m a bit late. But in case you didn’t know, we’re moving, so I’ve been a bit busy lately. Therefore, this post is late… and short…

Either way, I can quickly think of many ways Isaac has changed & grown this last month. He is typically down to one waking at night. One, people! That’s awesome! He slept through the night once (7pm-6am). He is cruising along furniture, “talking” a lot more, drinking from a straw, & “telling” us what he wants (with grunts & arm pointing). He’s found his tongue & likes to play with it. He can now open some lids (uh-oh). He went to his first Rockies game. He finished his first series of swim class. He’s learning the value of entertaining us & making us laugh. He put a bowl over his head & was talking into it & then fake laughing while I’m sitting next to him cracking up. He falls face first into a pillow then comes up for air checking to see if we’re watching. Oh, and he’s very talented at doing headstands. 


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That’s Gross… Just Not to Me

Think back to before you had kids. Or if you don’t currently have them, think about your reaction when you see a mom give her baby a drink of her water then take a swig herself. I know! Disgusting! It’s like you want to walk over to her and say, “Excuse me, lady, but you do know that your baby practically just spit in that water you’re drinking, right??” Then you walk away, muttering under your breath, “When I’m a mom I will never do that.” Or maybe you’ve seen moms “share” a meal with their slobbery baby? Like, you take a bite, I take a bite. Same thing. Maybe you’ve known the mom who shares a plate of food with her baby, or lets baby feed her bites of mashed up, squashed baby food (‘Aww it’s so cute!’) or “cleans up” her baby’s tray by eating the half-eaten, practically regurgitated leftovers. Sickening. I am so grossed out when I see other moms do this! Who wants to eat baby slobber?!?!

Oh wait. That’s me.

Something changes your perspective when it’s your baby’s slobber. Gross in theory, still, but not so much in practice anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like to watch other moms share baby spit, but I now do it all the time. But before I go any further you must know that sometimes I do draw the line. There is only so much slobber sharing any mom can handle. But, I have to admit that it’s cute watching Isaac reach for my water bottle & learn to drink. I do feed him off my plate sometimes. With my fork. I do think it’s cute when he feeds me pieces of his food. What’s happened to me?!?  :)

Confession: I have cleaned up Isaac’s high chair tray by munching on the leftovers. Hey, I don’t want to see food go to waste! Plus, that’s like a half a slice of peach that hasn’t really been eaten. Or some cheese cubes that I really don’t think he’s touched. The worst is this: I have “cleaned up” macaroni & cheese from the kitchen floor after Isaac so haughtily refused to eat it. Hey, when you spend $5 on a freaking kids meal, that deliciousness is not going to waste. Plus, 5 second rule. Totally acceptable.

Mommy Brain

I know you probably think moms use this as an excuse to do stupid things & just blame their babies. Which, ok, might be true. But, I swear having Isaac has changed my brain chemistry most of the time (ok, some of the time) it truly is not my fault that I say or do dumb things. I don’t know if it’s the constant tiredness, the fact that you have less adult interaction than you used to, or the repetitive nature of wake, play, sleep cycle every day is affecting your brain. But something happens & you find yourself saying things that you later regret. “Did I really just say that??”

Next time a mom you know uses that excuse, instead of rolling your eyes & muttering, “sure” under your breath, give that mama a hug & buy her some coffee. I guarantee she needs it. :-)

Confession: I typed a large portion of this blog a few weeks ago & didn’t save it. I have gone to the grocery store with a handful of coupons & forgotten to use them at checkout. When Isaac was at his pediatrician, I didn’t bring enough diapers so I wrapped a spit rag around his bum & called it good. When the pediatrician looked at me funny, I just smiled and said, “We use cloth diapers.” I have seriously had this thought before going to an event: Ok, Isaac needs to nurse but we’re also hoping that he’ll sleep in the car on the way there… Oh! I’ll just nurse him in the car on the way there! Umm, Sara, that’s illegal.

That’s all I’ve got for now! As Isaac nears the end of his first year I’m already reflecting a lot on what I’ve learned & how much he has grown! I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you! When there’s a bit less going on in our lives, that is. :-) Until next month, bye bye from my little 10 month old!

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