Ok, so I missed posting this on the actual day of Thanksgiving, but it's not because I was busy & just didn't get around to it. No, it was only because I'm trying to make a point that we should be thankful on days other than Thanksgiving too. Right. Who believes me? =)
I know a lot of people get all sentimental around this time of year, stating all the cliché things they're thankful for. I mean, that's great, but I get tired of reading the same old lists. So, I've been thinking over the past few weeks about the things I am most thankful for in my life. A real list. Things I actually thank God for on a regular basis, not things I think I should be thankful for. I hope you can spend some time thinking about those things in your life you really are thankful for, & if you don't already, start thanking God for those things on a regular basis!
- I'm amazed & grateful beyond words for salvation. I know that faith is a touchy topic, & many people get uncomfortable when you say your religion is the one true answer, but I can't express how much my soul believes in God and just knows that He is loving & the God of eternity. I didn't always believe this strongly, but God came into my life & changed me. I'm thankful He did that, & I pray eagerly that you will allow Him to change you too. I'm thankful that Jesus was more than a "good man" & He died on the cross so that I don't have to. I'm thankful God doesn't want us to follow a list of rules, but that He just wants us to give Him our lives. I'm thankful God wants my joy & He doesn't sit in Heaven waiting to zap me when I make a mistake. I'm thankful that He loves me (and you) in a way that no one else can yet He gives me people who love me temporarily until I reach Heaven. I'm thankful for faith.
"If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, & believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
- I'm incredibly thankful to not be a single mom. I don't know how they do it. I take care of one baby on my own for 8 hours a day, & I can't imagine doing it solo for another 16. I'm thankful to have a husband who will care for Isaac so I can shower, do my makeup, or even do the dishes! It's really hard to get anything accomplished when you have a baby to care for, and single moms always have a baby to care for. Do you know a single mom? Will you do me a favor & send her some kind of encouragement this week? Maybe just a text, or a note, or a gift, or an offer to babysit, or something to let her know how fabulous she is?
Daddy taking care of Isaac so Mama can get a shower!
Just like Daddy
- I'm thankful that I already feel I live in my dream home. The story of how we got here really is amazing & I'm so thankful for every piece! I love my home. It has everything I thought I wanted in a house (well, except a hot tub, but that's something Michael & I will remedy when we can) & I don't feel like we settled at all. I'm thankful for a father in law who built us cabinets so I actually have a pantry, & a beautiful kitchen island. I'm thankful that Michael's workout equipment isn't in the living room. I'm thankful for a reading nook, walk in closet, & attached bathroom in our master bedroom. I'm thankful for our fireplace. I'm thankful for a beautiful red deck & garden area that will hopefully produce food for us next year. I'm thankful to have 4 bedrooms. I'm thankful the sewer line is fixed & we will hopefully never have to deal with that again. I'm thankful that God saved this house for us. I believe that wholeheartedly. This beautiful home was on the market for about 6 months before we came along, & we got it for a great price. I realize that a house does not run standard for young families in our country or around the world, so everyday I am thankful.
Our new PANTRY! And kitchen island! Thanks to my very talented father-in-law
- Ok, this one might sound cliché, but I am so thankful for a handsome, healthy, sweet baby boy. I look at him when we're snuggling & my heart just cries out to God in thankfulness. He gave us this child easily (not all couples have an easy time getting pregnant), He blessed my pregnancy (no morning sickness, full term, no complications) and birth (read the story here). Now we have a wonderfully healthy boy who is growing quickly, has no major illnesses or medical concerns, sleeps well, is not grouchy (most of the time), & who rarely cries. Not to mention he's the cutest baby EVER! Sorry everyone-who's-ever-had-a-baby-boy, I win. :-)
- I'm thankful to be free from debt (except our mortgage). I'm thankful for my great grandmother who was financially responsible throughout her life so she could bless those she left behind. I'm thankful for parents who taught me the value of a dollar & made me work to earn money! I'm thankful to not have my hands tied to a credit card company or minimum payments. I know we're lucky, & we're among the few young couples who aren't tied down by debt, so for that I'm very grateful!
Isaac Alexander - Thanksgiving 2012
- I'm thankful for the Colorado sunshine. Everything gets better when the sun's out.
View from the park near our house
- I'm thankful for chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
- I'm thankful for yoga pants.
- I'm thankful for Jimmy Needham.
- I'm thankful for the color pink. It's just so awesome!
- I'm thankful for Payton Manning.
- I'm thankful for Calvary Church.
- I'm thankful for the obvious: Amazing husband, loving family, authentic friendships.
- I'm thankful for the crock pot.
- I'm thankful for 28 years & counting.
- I'm thankful for Thanksgiving.
- I'm thankful for you.
Love to everyone & Happy Black Friday!