What better way to begin a blog than on an anniversary?
What a blissful season it was when we exchanged, “I dos.” We looked forward to a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment. Giddy to see each other, excited to hold one another’s hand, not wanting to say good night and go our separate ways. At least for me, the beginning of our marriage was a time of anticipation & hope for all that could be between us. Don’t get me wrong, I knew marriage wasn’t easy. I knew it takes work. I just thought that our love for each other would overshadow any issues or crises we would face. “Love conquers all,” right? And we were in love, so anything that would come our way would be like a pebble on our path. We can do it, as long as we love each other!
It’s quite amazing how far a couple can come in three years of marriage. No longer is it a giddiness to see each other, it’s a “hey.” No longer is it excitement to hold one another’s hand, it’s, “don’t touch skin to skin it’s too hot.” No longer is it sad to say good night, it’s “honey, I just want to go to sleep.” I found out men are stinky. We’ve experienced meals that just don’t taste right. I’ve forgotten to clean my hair out of the drain. A lot has changed in three years.
The anticipation I felt in month #1 has turned to a determination in year #3. No longer do I hope things will work. I am determined to make things work. No longer do I wish for happiness. I am determined to live a life of joy, regardless of the circumstances. No longer do I wait for him to fulfill my deepest needs & desires. I am determined to allow my Heavenly Father to fill me so my spouse doesn’t have to carry that impossible burden. Yes, a lot has changed.
I’m sure a lot will continue to change. Heck, I’m sure a lot of people still consider us newlyweds. Whatever you want to call us, we know a lot more now than we did three years ago. We’ve gone through the fire. To be honest, it feels like we’re in the fire some days… Most days... Some days… But if I know anything about the fiery furnace it’s that there is another in the midst that protects and saves. He tests us so we may prove to be genuine. I believe that and know that God has a plan for us. He loves us individually & together, and because of Him I am free to love my husband with everything that’s in me. I love you, Michael. Happy Anniversary. =)
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